The easiest way to get in shape There are many tricks to motivate you to stay in shape. Some people love shopping, perhaps buying some new activewear or compression tights to get that extra spark in the gym. Sometimes it’s simply the great feeling of already being in shape, to be on a roll with eating healthy and working out regularly. However, today will give you the easiest tip to stay you in shape, simply by eating! Ever heard of Matcha tea before? If not then here’s a hint: really, really strong antioxidants. Matcha tea is a japaneese super tea, for which is 10 times stronger than green tea in antioxidants! Not trying to sound as a sales person, but with...
Many people fear carbohydrates and blames if for obesity and getting people out of shape. In this blog post I’m quickly and as simply going to answer you weither carbs are bad for you or not. First of all, carbs are not bad, carbs gives you energy to think, move, excersize and do successfull workouts. Some people claims to feel good on low carb diets, (excluding carbohydrates and includes more healthy fats) while that might work for a few, the majority of people run well on carbohydrates. Most thing sto blame of is usually eating processed foods and exercising too little. How much carbohydrates you should eat depends on the state of your body and current insulin response, meaning how...
Workout is done and it’s time for relaxation and recovery. To mix things up i want to give you guys a hot tip on a yummy yet very simple to make treat. Seriously, it takes less than 2 minutes to make. Easy peasy, keep on reading. ...
Chances are, you have been on a diet before. You decide it’s time to lose weight, get healthy, and eat well so you make a list of foods you are no longer going to eat. It may have gone great for the first day or so, but slowly it gets harder and harder, and before you know it you are binge eating everything in your kitchen at 10pm, then sitting in a slump on the floor with a food coma feeling guilty about your lack of self control. Well, you are off the hook because I’m here to tell you it was not your fault. The truth is, diets don’t work - they are just a billion dollar industry trying to...
1. CARBOHYDRATES AREN'T THE ENEMY Do we need to reduce carbohydrates (carbs) under most circumstances in the fat loss phase? Yes. Do we need to cut them out completely? No. Cutting out a complete macronutrient (fat, carbs, protein) from your diet does not help to achieve your goals. In fact, every macronutrient is an essential part of a healthy diet. Carbs in particular give your cells, tissues and organs energy. It keeps everything going. You see, banning them from your plate will leave you tired, with no energy. When it comes to carbs my biggest advice is to choose quality over quantity. Not all carbs are created equal, the quality is important. For example a piece of white bread does...